Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Union Cat :Reform ...Yeah Right

(Read Post, click on comment, invite folks who agree or disagree)

Most of the people who have commented on this article, except for one or two, are treating this issue as a joke. This is serious stuff and will effect our lives for decades. It's not about this politician or personality. For thirty years corporations have sucked this city dry, by moving and closing factories and jobs, by using tax-payers millions to build sports palaces which are then given to them as presents, privatizing services, giving millions in vouvhers to bail out Catholic schlools, by givihg huge rebates and giveaways to the Jacobs, Ratners and other parasites. And remember, it's these corporate elite who offer the bribes and corrupt our officials.

And do we hear any "bloggers" spitting venom as them? Of course not. It's easier to make clever remarks (not!) and to attack the residents of Cleveland, Black, white and Hispanic, who are left with a crunbling city.

How many of you have taken the trouble to find out what is in the plan? Have you participate in neighborhood town hall meetings on the plan? Of course not, because there have been no public meetings or input. This was old time, back-room, secret politics. They don't want you to know. They want you to watch the circus, look at the fat man and tell silly ditties about three blind mice.

Do you know that the Commissioners are not involved with this so-called reform plan? It's been Bill Mason, Martin Zanotti and a bunch or rich, white (soory, that's what they are) Republicans who were major fund raisers for Bush. Isn't this something to write seriously about?

I would guess that most of you worrk for a living, if you still have a job.It is time to stop listening to the stooges of the Chamber of Commerce and unite, black and white, to fight to save our city and county. They won't. Let's get serious.

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